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Trailing Slash and SEO, does it matter?

What is a trailing slash in URL?

The “/” at the end of an URL is called trailing slash.

Do trailing slashes matter for SEO?

No, having trailing slashes or not does not matter for SEO, as long as is consistent across your website and one version redirects to the other ( →

For a deeper explanation check this article about trailing slashes by ahrefs.

How to remove trailing slash from URL in Vercel

Add a vercel.json file at the root of your project and paste the following code:

    "trailingSlash": false

How to add trailing slash to URL in Vercel

Add a vercel.json file at the root of your project and paste the following code:

    "trailingSlash": true

How to add or remove trailing slash in SvelteKit

Inside svelte.config.js add the following option

const config = {
    kit: {
        trailingSlash: 'never', //removes trailing slash
  • 'never' — redirect /x/ to /x (removes trailing slash)
  • 'always' — redirect /x to /x/ (adds trailing slash)
  • 'ignore' — don't automatically add or remove trailing slashes. /x and /x/ will be treated equivalently

ignore is not recommended as it leads to duplicated content.

For more information check SvelteKit’s documentation on trailing slash.

SvelteKit and Vercel trailing slash

If you are using SvelteKit with Vercel, use svelte.config.js configuration and remove the trailingSlash entry from vercel.json. Failing to do so will cause a redirect loop and your pages will not show up.